PastorEdgar and Andrea Foster have been in ministry since 1970. They have served as evangelist, director of youth and Christian Education, church planter, associate pastor and senior pastor. Their pastoral ministry spans almost thirty years in three states. Edgar has been appointed and elected to various special boards and committees. While in a fourteen-year pastorate in Centerville, Iowa, he was appointed State Missions Representative and as a member of the Evangelism and Home Missions Board and was elected to several terms on the State Council. He presently serves as Chairman on the Ordained Bishops’ Examining Board for South Carolina. Andrea is a gifted speaker, musician and singer. She has served in many capacities including State Ladies’ Ministries Board member. She has been instrumental in pioneering children’s clubs and ministry in several churches and in training children’s workers. A gifted ventriloquist, she has ministered with her vent figure friend, LEON, since 1974. Her ministry with LEON has taken her to twenty-five states for Kids’ Krusades, Youth Camps, church conferences, etc. The Fosters’ desire is to bring people into contact with the life-changing power of the Word of God and to enable believers in their faith. |
Pastor EmeritusAfter serving Grace Covenant as pastor for 12 years, David Holdman retired March 2005 as Senior Pastor and later was named Pastor Emeritus. David began his full time ministry in 1962 after attending Lee College, Cleveland, Tenn. He is an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God, Cleveland ,Tenn. where he has served in many capacities including pastor in New York, Missouri, and South Carolina. He also served as State Youth & Christian Education Director in New York and New Mexico., and Metro Evangelist, Kansas City, Mo. He has had the privilege to travel to the Phillipines on two occasions as keynote speaker for Pastors Conference.David is married to Janice who has a passion for music and is very involved in the Music Ministry at Grace Covenant. The Holdmans feel very honored to be a part of Grace Covenant. |
Bobby MeadorBecame a member of Grace Covenant in January of 1996 and has held several positions in church leadership since that time including being a member of the Pastor's counsel. Currently is treasurer and member of finincial committee and oversees prayer and visitation ministries. Brother Meador was saved July 16 1983 and was later sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost in February 16 1995. He continues to be a blessing to the church and the members daily. |
Sherry EngelSister Sherry Engel became a member of Grace Covenant in 2001. She was saved in 1963, received the Holy Ghost in 1968 and has been a member of the Church of God ever since. She served as church secretary while attending Solway COG in TN. When called upon, she would help the previous secretary of Grace Covenant. She is serving our Church family and New Ellenton community well, and is truly a blessing to us all! |
Robert and Daisel RiddleBrother Robert and Sister Daisel Riddle became members of Grace Covenant in 2007. They have been members of the Church of God since 1965 and have held several positions in churches since that time. Currently they are serving the Lord as custodians of our lovely church, a position they have held since 2007 and both serve as ushers or greeters. Also both were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at an early age and are a blessing and a welcome addition to Grace Covenant. They are two more reasons to come and worship with us at Grace Covenant! |